Here Is A Daily ₦12,000 Simple Strategy That Will Help You,
Discover The Unusual Secret I Used To Make 650k In 7days By Creating Verified Paypal Accounts And Debit Cards For People, And How You Can Do The Same Or More Easily!
If you like to live the life you wish, buy most of the things you hope for, and
Wake up whenever you like, take a good breakfast and travel when you want...
Then this is going to be the most exciting message you’ll ever read!
Just like Arinze was very sceptical for so many days.
He was a broke final year student who can't afford to pay for something that won't work out or waste money on something that's not of value to his financial life.
He procrastinated for many days. He was afraid and confused about where he'll get customers from after taking the PayPal skill and if he'll make money from the skill as I said.
Well after some little persuasion, he paid

But after 5 months of implementing everything, he was taught...
...dear, he came back with a banger and you will be shocked yourself‼️💥
See this 👇👇👇

I’ll never forget being shocked by what happened then…
Right there before my eyes…
My whole world came crumbling down…
"I can’t do this anymore." My girlfriend said
After I had given her all I had…tried my best…and…all she could say was…
“It’s Over”!!!
What was my offence you ask?
Like every young Nigerian guy. All I wanted was to make money
Live a comfortable life
Enjoy life on my terms, and take vacations…
But it was not enough, I could not satisfy her desires.
The most painful part was she said this right in front of my friends and departmental mates inside the lecture room.
But should I tell you about Konexx who was also a broke student trying to fend for himself...
He had no money, he was afraid but still, he knew life is about taking calculated risks...
After some days, he had to borrow money from her sister to pay for the training fee
Unfortunately, bank charges removed part of the money. He was devasted. But still, he didn't give up or throw in the towel.
He found the money complete and paid in the evening that day...
And see Konnex today👇👇

They laughed at me then...
..but I imagine what my ex will say when she realizes I now make…
...3-5x Her Boyfriend’s Allowance
From a skill, which took me 48 hours to Learn and Master
Let me tell you this…
The ability to find people's problems and come up with a solution is by far…
“The Easiest Way To Make Money Online”
Yes! You heard me right…
I buried my head under my pillow with shame and regrets, while fighting so hard to hold back tears.
I was a 400l student in higher institutions whose only trying to live a great and comfortable life for myself.
But every time, it seems life is unfair and God has forgotten me...
I tried everything possible to bring myself out of misery, debt, hunger and shame.
Sometimes I’d wake up in the morning with no idea of what I’ll have for breakfast, talk more about lunch or dinner.
Despite this, I still have to go to class, take notes, write different tests, assignments, submit reports and do all that is required of me.
It was tiring, stressful, pathetic and demeaning!!!
I tried calling home for help every time, despite knowing that, at this level, I ought to be the one giving my parents and not disturbing them.
My siblings looked up to me for so many things, but there’s little or nothing I could do for them.
I tried out different online businesses, I even tried selling clothes and fashion products to my friends and extended family online but still,
it’s not bringing in profits and income as I had hoped.
Look dear!
3 years ago…
I was just broke and sad, to add salt to the wound, my girlfriend of 4-years left me for my best friend.
Hurt by what happened…I started looking for a way to make money… I tried everything you could think of…wasted time and money on…
Online Surveys
MMM opportunities that never paid
Ponzi schemes
Cryptocurrency scams
I tried them all…each time I was back to square one
This went on for months till I found a simple…quick…and…straightforward…way of making money…
Before I proceed
You might be wondering what I’m talking about or who am I to be telling you all these...
Chances are, we’ve never met before and you’re just hearing about me for the first time.

My name is Okewoye Fisolami Tobiloba
I’m a PayPal Creator, and a Digital Marketer who major in Facebook Ads.
I’ve trained about 609 people on PayPal and Credit Card creation in all editions.
I’ve helped 115 people get equipped with different digital skills that generate at least 7-figures monthly presently.
I’ve also helped 63 businesses to market their products to their target audience and make their first million as a business.
Enough about me...
Life is hard when you don’t have money!!!
Life is harder when your bills don’t understand that you don’t have money so they keep piling up anyway
Life is hardest when you don’t look for a way out on time & you let every opportunity that could turn your life around pass...
You’ll wake up every morning with the same worry
“ When I sef go dey alright?”
Do you know what the problem is?
It’s not that there’s no money, there’s abundance everywhere
The problem is you!!! Yes, YOU!
“I’ve tried a few other things before it didn’t work so this won’t either”
While you dwell on this negativity, others are taking action then getting results
You might have this question in mind right now but
A few weeks ago I got talking with a lady...
Her profile picture had some texts that sparked an interaction between us...
My WhatsApp crashed about 2 weeks ago but I asked her to send our chat from her end.

Funny enough, she came back the next day that she made ₦31,000 within 24 hours.
(I told her I wasn't joking when I said you'd get a refund if you don't make X5 of your training fee)
See yourself 👇👇👇

What exactly is PayPal?
PayPal offers what is generally a fast, easy and safe way to both receive & send money online. It processes about 25 different currencies.
It means you can transact business with the payment system across the globe accepting hard currencies like dollars from Americans, pounds from Britains, Yens from Japanese, Euros from Europeans and so on...
The simple and basic fact is that it is almost impossible to run any kind of successful online business without using the services of PayPal.
There are some sites where you can’t buy anything except with Paypal.
Why Do So Many People Need PayPal Accounts Daily?
PayPal is unarguably the largest payment processing company in the world (from 1998 to 2021)
PayPal currently has 361 million active users. As of the third quarter of 2020, PayPal recorded a 22% or 70 million year-on-year growth.
This resulted in a total number of 361 million active users registered on the payment platform.
•eBay accept PayPal
•Learnofix accept PayPal •Expertnaire accept PayPal
•Chinese suppliers accept PayPal
•OfferUp accept PayPal
•Even our jumia accept PayPal
There are a whole lot of sites where you can’t pay for your goods or services except with PayPal.
PayPal is the best option for you to receive your money when you work for someone outside the country, I mean international clients.
PayPal is the most used payment gateway in France, USA, England, Spain, Iceland, India and all other international countries.
But it’s so sad that NIGERIANS and some other African countries are limited to sending money with PayPal and that’s where our money is!!!
That’s the problem that’s made me over 8 million online
If you go on to and open an account now, it will automatically take you to the type of PayPal your country supports.
If you freelance on Fiverr, you need PayPal.
If you freelance on all other sites, you need PayPal.
If you’re a digital marketer, you need PayPal.
If you’re a drop shipper, you need PayPal
If you have any online business with customers outside Nigeria, you need PayPal
That’s to give you an idea of how many Nigerians depends on PayPal daily, for their businesses to run.
Just like BOMA** who had made over ₦250,000 from this business skills see below 👇👇👇

Because it’s the best among all international payment gateways.
Among its advantages and uniqueness over all other payment gateways are;
Credit card security*
sending & receiving money from anywhere in the world
online auction
exchange rate buyer protection
Amazing right?

Here is how to get started and make your cool cash.
In this workshop, you will learn 👇👇👇
How to create 2 different types of fully verified PayPal accounts. Customers will pay you #3,000 each (worth ₦10,000)
•⚜️You’ll learn how to create fully verified US PayPal accounts that buy and receive payments in BTC. Customers will pay you ₦15,000 (worth ₦25,000)
⚜️You’ll learn how to create Credit Cards and Dollar Cards that can be used for international transactions and fast payments to any African,
And European countries. Get customers will pay you ₦10,000-₦15,000
⚜️You’ll get my Psychology of Selling that will teach you the secrets to selling anything to anyone at any time. (Worth ₦30,000)
⚜️You’ll also get a FREE Mentorship for a month. You have the chance to come to me if you’re having any problem with the PayPal skill in any other businesses you run (worth ₦50,000)
⚜️ I’ll also show you my exact strategy of how I get at least 4 customers every day. Works like magic and is used daily by many of my students. You can also use the strategy in any other online business you run (worth ₦20,000)
I’ll also teach you my secret method of how you can get at least 4 customers every day that will pay you and patronise you (you can use this secret blueprint for any online business)
Total Value = N177,000
Regular Price = N25,000
Total Bonus Value = N45,000
Today’s Price = N20,000 only
But Guess what?
The first 10 people to take this offer now gets it at #9,000 only!!!
PAY N9,000 INTO:
Let me make something clear that making money is easy and not as hard as you think.
The problem is just of lack of knowledge
Pretty amazing you think?... Now you are probably asking yourself…
How Much This Will Cost You?
But first I want to ask yourself how much will it cost you to live a life on your terms
Live it the way you please without hassles or stress
Without working under anyone
Making 6 figures monthly as a side hustle
Picture this 6 months from now
You are sitting in your room on your leather couch
Holding your PS5 pad in your left hand
In your right hand is a glass cup of an Italian red wine
Your girlfriend sitting between your legs
And your phone brightens up
You check the notification
An email from your payment processor
Yet again another payment received from a Credit Card or PayPal account you created for only ₦10,000…
And imagine if it’s the 8th one you have created today…
That's ₦80,000 In Only A Day!
A monthly salary of a banker of a top bank in Nigeria
From a single PayPal account, you created it in just 7 minutes.
This is the real deal!
But first
There is something else I’ll send you…
When you sign up to get the PayPal skill course
Don’t allow people to deceive you that everybody is struggling in Nigeria.
That’s not the truth.
Transactions take place every single second that passes all over the world.
And the fact that money is not coming to you doesn't mean it's the same with everyone.
I have seen people who always say “ God punish poverty”
The truth is that God does not punish poverty, because poverty is only an outcome. It is a reflection of what you know, your beliefs, how you think, and what you do daily.
If you know how money comes, what to do to make it come and how to manage it when it comes, 80% of your financial problem is solved.
They are more strategies behind it
And what I want to show you here is how to make money every single day by creating PayPal accounts and Credit Cards for People with just 7 minutes of your time.
You don’t need to play the guessing game. And waste time and money.
I will hand you a series of pre-sell copies, email marketing sequences and sales copies I have written in the past that pulled in crazy figures for me.
Just model them!
We will also craft highly-irresistible offers that will guarantee anything you lay your hands on sells like hot cake.
Then I’ll tell you the exact people to target (a group of rabid buyers)that will buy your product. So you don’t go about doing “hit-and-miss” with your ads.
And once sales start pouring in, I'll also show you how you can get Facebook to send you more and more of the kinds who have already bought from you (that’s more buyers for your product.)
Insider essential guide to selling with Facebook, Instagram, Messenger Ads and Digital Marketing – geared to help you start immediately getting more leads and sales
Advanced Facebook Ads Techniques – Double your sales and leads with my easy to learn NEXT LEVEL techniques.
Copywriting For Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing – the MASTER KEY to selling with Facebook Ads – create eye-catching content that stops people from scrolling past
You’ll learn the POWER INSTAGRAM AD TECHNIQUES – learn how to make the most out of Instagram Ads. Learn how to create the IDEAL Instagram Ads with Facebook Business Manager.
Optimise Your Facebook Ads Budget - Create Custom and Lookalike Audiences from your store visitors, Facebook Business Page, Video Views, Instagram Profile...
⚜️You’ll learn how to set up an online store integrated with WhatsApp, that will house all your products. Instead of posting your products pictures every day.
Also see Bernard who made over ₦18,000 just in two days. Now imagine what you can make in a week 👇👇👇

Look at another gentleman here to that has made over a million from this same course see below 👇👇👇

It will be better for you to join us today and learn how to make legit money 🤑🤑🤑